Friday, May 22, 2020

Hamlet (A Critical Analysis) Free Essay Example, 1000 words

According to Parrish, â€Å"There are two roles for women: Ophelia is ionized as the Madonna and Gertrude is demonized as the Whore† (qtd. in Howard 288). It seems that some gaps are left intentionally when it comes to female characters. Feminists often criticized women’s presentation in Hamlet. Howard explains in â€Å"Feminist Criticism† that Feminists believe that besides maid, wife or widow trilogy, there only exist one classification of women and that is whore (410-415). Usually men decides women’s fate and character, as in Hamlet, after the death of old Hamlet, the very act of getting married with his husband’s brother made Gertrude morally ill and her own son identified him as a whore. The judgment is based on Hamlet’s idea it is unlawful and his mother is treacherous and unfaithful to his late father. Hamlet’s consequent disbelief on all women including his beloved, Ophelia and treating her as a whore seems insane. Madness is often linked with Ophelia that compelled her for suicide. According to conventional theories, she lost three powerful men in her life that led her to madness (Bloom 57) but it was her grief and disappointment from those who she had ever believed and loved. We will write a custom essay sample on Hamlet (A Critical Analysis) or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Her brother, Laertes left her, her father, Polonius died and her lover, Hamlet not only betrayed her but also killed her father. The play never revealed her inner feelings and emotional upheaval that made her kill herself. Gertrude‘s portrayal of a whore or adulteress has never been condemned over centuries of Hamlet’s interpretations. Neither Shakespeare nor critics revealed her true intention of getting married with Claudius. Surprisingly, common interpretation confirms Hamlet’s assumption of his mother’s character without even a single clue of this in play. Moreover, there is no evidence in text of her being accused of poisoning her husband or even aware that Claudius did it. Many feminist including Carolyn Heilbrun in her essay â€Å"Hamlet’s Mother† (qtd. in Bloom 58) questioned the validity of this shallow judgment. Gertrude’s decision of marrying Claudius can be truly based on her good judgment of future threats to the kingdom. Women portrayal of early modern English period does not remind us of strong women leading kingdoms, the possibility of her good intentions in selecting a king as soon as possible for an approaching war cannot be ruled out. However, there is no interpretation that confirms it. There is considerable amount of psychoanalytic work on Hamlet that questions Hamlet’s delay in avenge Claudius.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Should The Constitution Be Ratified For The Future

Throughout American history the constitution has been the framework for democracy. Written in 1787, the constitution was a great conception for the thirteen colonies. Now two-hundred and twenty-eight years later the United States is not a county of freedom fighting European-Americans. In this diverse and modern society concerns have come to surface as to whether the constitution should be ratified for the future to come. Ratifying the constitution sounds like a good notion, but is nearly impossible to do. I believe the constitution should stand as is but allow another document arise that corrects the loop holes of the constitution. When the colonist were drafting the constitution they couldn’t have imagined the tremendous growth we have achieved today. With innovation comes conflict. Many citizens feel the United States gives an illusion of freedom. Today the biggest conflicts are centered on basic rights spelled out in the constitution. It’s no secret the National Association of Surveillance illegally obtains information from the electronic devices of United States citizens. The actions of the NSA violate the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 9th amendment rights. The NSA’s use of information impedes on the first amendment in terms of freedom of press. For a journalist the source is the key, and the key stays confidential. With the NSA collecting digital trails there is a higher risk for whistle blowers to be charged with criminal act or even assassinated. The courts stand by the NSA, forShow MoreRelatedThe Constitution Of The United States Essay1654 Words   |  7 PagesArticles of Confederation. In do ing so, they drafted a Constitution that would serve as the law of land for that thirteen states and any others that would join the Union. The Framers designed the Constitution for the purpose that it could be amended in the future. This is because they would not be able to foresee all the circumstances that the state would face in the future, therefore they wanted it to be able to be easily amended in the future. Today, lawmakers in Washington D.C. are trying to utilizeRead MoreTheu.s. Constitution And The Constitution1612 Words   |  7 PagesThe U.S Constitution is one of the most, if not the most, important documents ever written in political history. The constitution established America’s national government and provided the fundamental framework for the present and future legal parameters by which the american people would be governed by. The Constitution was officially signed September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia during a constitutional convention. In order for the const itution to actually be an official document, it had to have beenRead MoreThe Rartifiation of the Us Constitution1046 Words   |  5 PagesQuestion: What were the major arguments used by each side (the supporters and the opponents) in the debates over the ratification of the U.S Constitution? In the year 1787, early America, officials and delegates came together to form a constitution that would restore the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was the attempt at creating a government for the newly independent America. But, it soon became clear that the document was not strong enough toRead MoreThe Rights Of The Citizens Of A Country973 Words   |  4 Pagesshall never do. These limitations serve to protect freedoms of religion and speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, and the right to keep and bear arms. The U.S Bill of Rights is a document that officially became part of the constitution in 1791, consisting of the Constitution’s first ten amendments. It is the embodiment of the one true revolutionary idea in all history, and played a major role in laying the framework for rights as citizens of America. It was written by James MadisonRead MoreU.s. Constitution And The Constitution1437 Words   |  6 PagesThe U.S. Constitution, as adopted by the Philadelphia Convention on September 17, 1787, sets out three distinct branches of national government and provides powers to each that serve as a check on the others. The branches include the executive branch: the president, the legislative branch: congress and the judicial branch: the Supreme Court. The Constitution is referred to as a living document because it is open to constant change. Additionally, the Constitution is open to constant interpretationRead MoreThe United States Congress On The Rights Of The Child ( Crc )1506 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States’ Senate should ratify the United Nation’s human rights treaty, The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The CRC is the most widely ratified human rights treaty with over 193 states parties ratifying it ( The CRC was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20th, 1989 and promotes the rights of children worldwide ( The treaty recognizes that children have certain unalienable rights. These rights are to develop physically, mentallyRead MoreThe Constitution : A Powerful Movement Throughout The American History Essay1107 Words   |  5 Pagesalways been a powerful movement throughout the American history. Even as the Constitution was ratified on the 21st of June in 1788, federalists, and antifederalists fought against the opponent’s ideals. One side wanted the new country to have a strong centralized government (federalists), and the other side (antifederalists) believed in a smal ler central government, and state sovereignty. Many states didn’t ratify the Constitution unless a â€Å"Bill of Rights† was added guaranteeing unalienable rights theRead MoreAlexander Hamilton The Federalist Paper Summary1316 Words   |  6 PagesThe Constitution of the United States has not always been the establishment of our government. The Articles of Confederation, America’s first government, was a loosely binding pact formed between the first thirteen states of America, the existence of which did not even span a decade. Numerous issues including limited Congressional powers and no singular leader for the country contributed to the formation of our current constitution. However, in order for the constitution to be adapted as the newRead MoreAp Gov Unit 31006 Words   |  5 PagesWhat important purposes are served by the right to amend the Constitution guaranteed by Article V? Evaluate James Madison’s claim in Federalist 43 that the Constitution â€Å"guards equally against the extreme facility which would render the Constitution too mutable, and that extreme difficulty which might perpetuate its discovered faults.† Some critics of the amending process contend that amendments, once proposed, should be submitted to popular vote, bypassing state legislatures. Do you agree or disagreeRead MoreThe American Revolutionary War ( 1775-1783 ) Essay1671 Words   |  7 Pagesthe United States. The purpose of the Articles was to provide a general government of the 13 colonies that had won their freedom from British rule and to bring unity of the new states. The Articles of Confederation basically implied that every state should have its own independence, and operate within their own government any way they wanted. That wasn’t very smart considering that these colonies weren’t connected in any way. The Articles of Confederation undoubtedly had good virtues but was concerned

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Puntaje de crédito FICO ¿qué es y cómo te afecta

El puntaje de crà ©dito es una calificacià ³n entre 300 y 850 puntos que se usa para determinar la probabilidad de que una persona pague una deuda dentro del plazo establecido. En Estados Unidos, un paà ­s cuya economà ­a està ¡ basada en el crà ©dito, el puntaje de crà ©dito es uno de los datos mà ¡s importantes de cualquier persona. Lo que debes saber sobre tu puntaje de crà ©dito FICO El puntaje de crà ©dito FICO es una calificacià ³n entre 300 y 850 puntos. A partir de 670 el puntaje se considera bueno, y a partir de 800, excelente. Esta calificacià ³n se toma en cuenta a la hora de solicitar tarjetas de crà ©dito, hipotecas, seguros, prà ©stamos para autos, e incluso abrir cuentas para servicios pà ºblicos y telà ©fonos celulares.Para mejorar el puntaje de crà ©dito se debe mantener tarjetas de crà ©dito activas y con un balance inferior al 30 por ciento del là ­mite de crà ©dito, ademà ¡s de pagar todas las deudas a tiempo.Una vez al aà ±o, todas las personas tienen derecho a obtener un reporte crediticio gratis de cada uno de los tres principales burà ³s de crà ©dito. Aunque existen varios puntajes de crà ©dito, el mà ¡s utilizado es el conocido como FICO (por las siglas de Fair Isaac Corporation). Este se elabora a partir de un reporte de crà ©dito creado por uno de los tres burà ³s de crà ©dito principales —Equifax, Experian y TransUnion—. El reporte de crà ©dito es una compilacià ³n de informacià ³n sobre cà ³mo una persona maneja su crà ©dito y su deuda. Incluye cuà ¡nto debe, dà ³nde trabaja, cà ³mo paga sus deudas, dà ³nde vive, si se ha declarado en bancarrota, si ha tenido una vivienda embargada, juicio por falta de pago, un auto recobrado, etc. A partir del reporte de crà ©dito que elabora uno de los burà ³s de crà ©dito, FICO determina el puntaje de crà ©dito.  ¿Cà ³mo te afecta el puntaje de crà ©dito FICO? La calificacià ³n de FICO puede afectar una gran variedad de situaciones financieras. A continuacià ³n detallamos las mà ¡s frecuentes. Solicitud de tarjeta de crà ©dito El puntaje de crà ©dito determina si la peticià ³n es aprobada y la tasa de interà ©s que se te aplica. Entre mà ¡s bajo el puntaje de crà ©dito FICO, mà ¡s alto el interà ©s. Rentar vivienda Las grandes inmobiliarias utilizan el puntaje FICO para aprobar o denegar una solicitud de alquiler. Las personas que no tienen un crà ©dito bueno està ¡n limitadas a alquilar vivienda a pequeà ±as compaà ±Ãƒ ­as o a propietarios individuales. Seguro de auto Las aseguradoras dependen del puntaje de seguro (insurance score, en inglà ©s) para decidir si aseguran a un chofer y el coste de la pà ³liza. Uno de los factores que lo conforman es el historial crediticio del chofer, junto con su historial de accidentes y de seguros previos. Cuentas de celular y servicios pà ºblicos (utilities) Algunas compaà ±Ãƒ ­as que proveen servicios de telefonà ­a, electricidad, agua o cable utilizan el puntaje de crà ©dito para determinar si exigen, como condicià ³n para prestar el servicio, el pago por adelantado o la consignacià ³n de una cantidad en depà ³sito. Tambià ©n el costo del servicio puede ser mà ¡s alto. Hipotecas Es difà ­cil obtener una hipoteca si no se tiene una buena calificacià ³n de crà ©dito FICO. La solucià ³n en estos casos es encontrar un banco local, credit union o un prestamista pequeà ±o que realice un manual underwriting en vez utilizar el puntaje de FICO. El manual underwriting toma en cuenta el tiempo que una persona ha pagado a tiempo facturas mensuales como alquiler de vivienda, celular o servicios pà ºblicos. Prà ©stamos de autos Los concesionarios de autos aprueban mà ¡s fà ¡cilmente y con mejores condiciones financieras a los clientes con un buen puntaje de crà ©dito, aunque la informacià ³n en la que basan su decisià ³n es mà ¡s amplia que à ºnicamente el nà ºmero de FICO. Tu historial de crà ©dito y oportunidades laborales Ninguna empresa puede negar empleo a una persona porque tiene un nà ºmero de FICO bajo. Sin embargo, sà ­ puede decidir no contratar a un candidato si considera que tiene un historial crediticio no aceptable. Este historial crediticio para fines laborales, que se conoce en inglà ©s como employment credit report, contiene informacià ³n como la cantidad de deuda por hipotecas, crà ©ditos estudiantiles, autos, tarjetas de crà ©dito, etc. y el historial de pago. Sin embargo, no incluye la calificacià ³n de FICO. En 11 estados està ¡ prohibida esta prà ¡ctica del reporte crediticio sin el consentimiento expreso de la persona que aspira al puesto de trabajo.  ¿Cuà ¡l es un buen puntaje FICO? El puntaje de crà ©dito FICO oscila entre 300 y 850 puntos y se rige por las siguientes pautas para determinar cuà ¡n bueno es: Menos de 300: no hay historial crediticio o tiene menos de 6 meses300–579: malo (poor)580–669: razonable (fair)670–739: bueno (good)740–799: muy bueno (very good)Mà ¡s de 800: excepcional (exceptional) Como regla general, se aprueban las solicitudes de crà ©dito a las personas con una calificacià ³n buena o superior. La muy buena o excepcional suele aparejar, ademà ¡s, un tipo de interà ©s mà ¡s bajo. Debido a que el puntaje de crà ©dito afecta la vida financiera y cotidiana de las personas, contar con un buen puntaje FICO facilita la vida en Estados Unidos.  ¿Cà ³mo se crea el puntaje de crà ©dito FICO? Para determinar cuà ¡l es el puntaje FICO de una persona se computan los siguientes factores, a los que se les da diferente peso. La historia crediticia es el factor mà ¡s importante, contabilizando el 35 por ciento del total del puntaje FICO. Afectan negativamente los pagos efectuados tarde, deudas impagadas recuperadas por una agencia de cobro, ejecuciones hipotecarias, declaraciones de bancarrota etc. Los problemas mà ¡s recientes tienen mayor peso que los ocurridos hace aà ±os. El nivel de deuda conforma el 30 por ciento del puntaje FICO. Es la cantidad de deuda que tiene una persona comparado con su là ­mite de crà ©dito. Se recomienda mantener el balance de las tarjetas de crà ©dito por debajo del 30 por ciento de su là ­mite. La duracià ³n de la historia de crà ©dito es el 15 por ciento del puntaje de FICO. Por esta razà ³n es aconsejable mantener abiertas las cuentas mà ¡s antiguas de crà ©dito y seguir utilizà ¡ndolas. El nà ºmero de solicitudes para verificar el crà ©dito de una persona es el 10 por ciento del puntaje FICO. En inglà ©s esto se conoce como Inquire, y para FICO solo se tienen en cuenta las relacionadas con aplicaciones para solicitar un nuevo crà ©dito (conocidas como hard inquire). Se computan solo las efectuadas en el à ºltimo aà ±o, aunque permanecen en el reporte de crà ©dito durante dos aà ±os. Finalmente, los diferentes tipos de crà ©dito con que se cuente conforman el 10 por ciento del puntaje FICO.  ¿Cà ³mo mejorar el puntaje de crà ©dito? Para obtener un buen puntaje de crà ©dito es necesario comprar algo a crà ©dito y pagar dicho crà ©dito dentro de plazo. Una de las formas mà ¡s simples y comunes de crear tu historial de crà ©dito y mejorar el puntaje es sacar una tarjeta de crà ©dito, hacer compras pequeà ±as con ella y, cada mes, pagar esa deuda completamente o dejar pendiente un pequeà ±o balance inferior al 30 por ciento del là ­mite de crà ©dito. Los principales productos financieros que mejoran el puntaje de crà ©dito son las tarjetas de crà ©dito y los prà ©stamos de todo tipo. Por el contrario, las tarjetas de dà ©bito o prepagadas no se contabilizan para el historial de crà ©dito, como tampoco la cantidad de dinero que se tiene en una cuenta de banco. Ademà ¡s, mantener activas tarjetas de crà ©dito antiguas y con un balance inferior al 30 por ciento del là ­mite de crà ©dito contribuye a elevar el nà ºmero FICO. Por esa razà ³n no se aconseja cerrar cuentas antiguas o dejarlas sin actividad. Para mejorar la puntuacià ³n de crà ©dito, las cuentas antiguas son mà ¡s importantes que las recientes. Finalmente, no pagar una deuda a tiempo, el embargo de bienes por parte de una agencia de cobro, la bancarrota y otros problemas financieros perjudican al puntaje de crà ©dito y permanecen en el rà ©cord crediticio por siete aà ±os. Una vez pasado ese periodo de tiempo, no afectan al FICO ni a favor ni en contra.  ¿Cà ³mo verificar tu puntaje de crà ©dito FICO? Cualquier persona puede verificar su puntaje gratuitamente y todas las veces que quiera en pà ¡ginas como, y Esta consulta no se considera una hard inquire y, por lo tanto, no afecta el puntaje de crà ©dito. La verificacià ³n sirve para que cada persona pueda estar al tanto de la salud general de su crà ©dito. Ademà ¡s, en aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Transacciones de Crà ©dito Justas y Exactas (Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act) del 2003, es posible obtener una vez al aà ±o y gratuitamente una copia del reporte de crà ©dito de Experian, Equifax y TransUnion mediante la pà ¡gina Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Defense Of Layer Security - 991 Words

Cyber attacks target everyone including small companies, large companies, government agencies, executives, and even salespeople. Cyber criminals are using sophisticated methods to gain unauthorized access to information systems to steal sensitive data, Personality Identifiable Information (PII), or even classified materials. Some of the creative methods that attackers use to gain unauthorized access are backdoor programs, social engineering, and Ransomware. Ransomware, as the name implies, is software that encrypts files, and then requires ransom in order for a person to be re-granted access to their restricted files; thus, ransomware is an access denial type of attack that prevents legitimate users from accessing files. While threats and attacks cannot be eliminated, solutions can be applied to reduce the chances of devices getting infected with malware – it is called the defense-in-layers security approach. Defense-in-layers is an approach that advocates for applying security measures in overlapping layers to ensure that the whole security posture is covered. The security layers are to complement each other by ensuring that an unmitigated vulnerability at one layer is mitigated by another control available within another layer. Figure 1 illustrates how the defense-in-layers approach works. 1. Develop a Policy Agencies must develop a policy as the foundation layer for their security program. The policy needs to highlight the key steps the agency is establishing toShow MoreRelatedEssay On Defense-In-Depth Strategy1218 Words   |  5 Pagesstrong defense-in-depth strategies in place. Although they may be strong defense-in-depth strategies, vulnerabilities may be present and used as an advantage point for hackers to gain access to the network. Defense-in-depth strategies will help create risk management to assess certain risks that may be proven as detrimental to a network. The idea behind defense in depth is to manage risk with diverse defensive strategies, so that if one layer of defense turns out to be inadequate, another layer of defenseRead MoreThe Core Layers Of Defense1237 Words   |  5 Pagesand most of them will perform their duties without having security. In addition, the critical missions of a massive interconnected device are security and interoperability. Hackers will use more complex tools and techniques to breach the network system. Hence, companies should establish strong security countermeasures and the best approach to provide better security by deploying a multilayer approach which is called Defense in Depth. Defense in Depth is considered as a vital part for securing the InternetRead MoreHomeland Security And Homeland Defense Essay1252 Words   |  6 PagesHomeland security and homeland defense. Both have similar titles and can be regarded as the same thing. By definition however they are two separate sides of the coin that keep the United States regulated and protected against the threats from both the inside and outside. Homeland security is defined simply as a combination of law enforcement, disaster, immigration, and terrorism issues and is the prime responsibly of civilian agencies at all levels. Homeland defense is defined as, the protectionRead MoreThe Core Layers Of Defense1232 Words   |  5 Pageswithout having security. In addition, the critical missions of a massive interconnected device are security and interoperability. Hackers will use more complex tools and techniques to breach the network system. Hence, companies should establish strong security countermeasures and the best approach to provide better security by deploying a multilayer approach, which is called defense in depth. Defense in depth is considered as a vital part for securing the Internet of Things because defense in depth preventsRead MoreThe Core Layers Of Defense1232 Words   |  5 Pageshaving security. In addition, the cri tical mission of a massive interconnected devices are security and interoperability. Hackers will use more complex tools and techniques to breach the network system. Hence, companies should establish strong security countermeasures and the best approach to provide superlative is security by deploying multilayer security method which is called defense in depth. Defense in depth is considered as a vital part for securing the Internet of Things because defense in depthRead MoreSecuring The Network Is A Top Priority For Any Organization1330 Words   |  6 Pagesto have redundancy built in, it also needs to have security devices implemented on the network as well. Defense in depth is a good practice to follow, this is having more than one form of defense to break through. This will either slow down an attacker or discourage them. It is a great strategy because having several layers of defense makes it more difficult for an attacker to breach the network. One critical security device and layer of defense to have on the organizations network is an IntrusionRead MoreThe Threat Of Network Security925 Words   |  4 PagesThere are threats to network security that can compromise your computer systems. Viruses are one of the top security threats in the technology industry. A virus is a program or a code that is loaded into your computer system without your knowledge will run against your wishes (Beal, n.d). Viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses are manmade and a virus can make a copy of itself several times and easy to create (Beal, n.d). Mark Vernon wrote that 72% of all companies have receivedRead MoreProject Deliverable 1: Project Plan Inception Essay1192 Words   |  5 Pagesgoals. Infrastructure and Security The company has implemented security policies Enterprise Security Policy, Issue-Specific Security Policy and Systems- Specific Security policy. It follows NIST security model and follows IETF security architecture. It has chosen firewalls based on generation and structure. Along with this, it implements a type of Intrusion Detection and Prevention System. Privileges are defined for accessing Virtual Private Network (Kent, 2006). Security cannot be achieved by merelyRead MoreAn Effective Defense Mechanism Within The Organization s It Framework975 Words   |  4 PagesTraditionally, IT (Information Technology) security focused on securing the IT assets within the organization’s IT framework. However, with the advent of smart mobile devices, cloud computing, and remote connectivity, the IT landscape has changed dramatically in the last few decades. With these changes, the frequency of attacks by cyber criminals has increased as well. We constantly hear news reports of large-scale cyber attacks targeting financial, government and healthcare organizations. MoreoverRead MoreVirtualization Project Report1624 Words   |  7 PagesVirtualization Security in Data Centers and Clouds Minjie Zheng, (A project report written under the guidance of Prof. Raj Jain) DownloadPDF Abstract In the past decade, with the unprecedented growth in tech companies and advances in cloud computing, it has become increasingly common for companies to incorporate virtualization in their data centers to fully utilize their hardware resources. As a result, virtualization and virtualization security have gone through major transforms

Communication Cycle Free Essays

Anita Witek 10-12-2012 P1-P2Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context. M1 Group communication In groups’ communication there are different people, some of them may like to talk a lot or be shy to talk. To make a group communication working everyone needs to be involved, and have some rules such a as when someone is talking no one is talking and everyone should listen to each other and have their own opinion or point of view. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication Cycle or any similar topic only for you Order Now In heath and Soccial care setting group communication is used in everyday life. Related reading: Advantages of Argyle’s Theory This is because the colleagues have group chats to discuss what they need to do (Collins Education, 2012). Formal Formal communication is when two people are talking to each other using the service. For example: when a person has a doctor appointment or being at work place and talk to your supervisor. The formal communications often stars with welcome such as ‘good morning’. In a health and social care setting formal communication is used nearly every day. This is because the workers talk to each other to pass on information and confirm certain things. Collins Education, 2012). In-formal In formal communication it’s hard to use with different social groups because everyone is different and everyone in groups or family and friends are using different type of method to communicate which is in formal communication. Sometimes people may do not understand each other when they are using in formal communication. In a health and social care setting in-formal communication can be difficult to use. This is because in a care home everyone is different and they come from different backgrounds. If there family or friends came to visit them in the care home in-formal communication would be used more as they are familiar with them. (Collins Education, 2012). One-to one For me it’s the same as face to face which means, person is talking to another person. Some of the people for example me I prefer one to one communication because I feel more relaxed and no nervous also I can look to someone eyes which shows the concentration and respect and listen carful also people may be friendly by smiling and start the nice conversation which may start from interact each other. In a health and social care setting one-to-one communication is used when the nurse needs to speak to the patient. It will be just the nurse and patient talking and if the patient needs to ask any questions they will feel comfortable as it is just them and the nurse. When other people are around the patient may not feel as comfortable because they do not want other people finding out about their needs. (Collins Education, 2012). Text messaging Most of the people are using text messaging to communicate specially teenagers; this is the quickest way to communicate with another person. However there are some disadvantages about text messaging which is the cost if people do not have a free text they need to control the balance, the second example is a network not always you can get a text and another example is people who are receiving a text it may do not understand someone feeling. In a health and social care setting text messaging may be used when the carers need to communicate with each other. This would be easier for them to text each other instead of walking around the building trying to find the person they want to give a quick message to. (Collins Education, 2012). Music and Drama Music and Drama is used in communication, some people may prefer to show the expression by acting or writing the song. The music communicate most with teenagers, for boys they mostly like to hear and communicate with a rap music and girls are mostly listen to the love songs when they have bad days. However the classic music is making the relaxed conversation. In a health and social care setting music and drama may be used if they do not want to communicate formally. This would be a fun way to communicate with some of the patients as it is something different. Collins Education, 2012). Speech People who came from a different location or form a different background have a own words which they are used to use or have a different accent. Most of the teenagers are using the slang which most of the adult are don’t understanding or some of the slang can everyone understand, However these days most of the words which we are using are not even in a dictionary. In a heal th and social care setting speech is very important because you need to be able to communicate with each other effectively. So your speech should be clear and understandable. Collins Education, 2012). Language Many people are grown with one language which may think this is the only way to communicate like me, however people as me in life time may start using the another language to communicate which is not the easiest way because some people may feel shy to talk or different reasons, most people who was born and learned with the first language are more prefer to communicate with the first language then the second. Now we can see that more people are growing up with multilingual communication which is good because they may learn several languages from birth. In a health and social care setting language is also important because many people may not speak the same language as you. You need to make sure your language is professional in a health and social care setting so everyone can understand you. (Collins Education, 2012). Non-verbal Non-verbal means communication without saying any words. For example when people are using a text communication they are using also no verbal communication because they do not says any words. Also when people are using body language and facial expression they are using a non-verbal communication. In a health and social care setting non-verbal communication is important because some people may not be able to speak or see. If they cannot speak you can send them a text message as an easy way to communicate with them. (Collins Education, 2012). REFERENCE LIST: Collins education. (2012). communication in health and social care. Available: http://www. collinseducation. com/resources/btechscunit1. pdf. Last accessed 12th November 2012. P2-Discuss theories of communication. Michael Argyle (1972), Michael Argyle (1972), said â€Å"that interpersonal communication was a skill that had to be learned, just as you would learn to drive a car. He said that when you are driving a car, you have to change your method to match the conditions of what is happening on the road. †(markedbyteachers. com) Argyle argued that, communication involved much the same ‘cycle’ as driving a car required. The stages involved in this cycle are: 1. Ideas occur- it may be that you can get a idea to communicate 2. Message coded- this is how people think about saying what they think . Message sent- this means when you send your message by speaking or writing or electronically. 4. Message received – this is when the person senses your message. 5. Message decoded- the person has to interpret or decode the message 6. Idea understood – this is when someone has understood your message. to try and clarify our ideas. Examples: 1. Idea: Hungry 2. Message coded: I’m hungry, I need food 3. Message sent: â€Å"I’m hungry, I fancy something to eat†. 4. Message received: I can tell from his body language that he has heard y message; he nods his head slightly 5. Message decoded: He decodes the message in his head 6. Message understood: He understands what I have said . http://www. markedbyteachers. com/gcse/health-and-social-care/developing-effective-communications-in-health-and-social-care. html Accessed on Monday 10th December 2012 Tuckman’s Model Forming: It’s a meeting people for the first time and sharing information with each other’s. Storming: This involves tension, struggle and sometimes arguments about the way the group might function. Norming: This is when group of people get together and has a meeting of agreeing on the group values. Performing: after all that, the group can begin to get some work done, on the basis of a relatively stable structure. Adjourning: is the break-up of the group, hopefully when the task is completed successfully, its purpose fulfilled; everyone can move on to new things, feeling good about what’s been achieved. ( businessballs. com) http://www. ncsu. edu/csleps/leadership/Group%20Develoment%20-%20Tuckman. pdf Accessed on Monday 10th December 2012 How to cite Communication Cycle, Essay examples

Principles Associated With The Therapeutic - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: 1. What does the term consent mean to you? 2. What is the importance of consent to the patient? What is the importance to the assigned LPN? 3. Which CLPNBC Professional Standard indicators apply to this case study? 4. Which CLPNBC Practice Standard applies to consent? Which indicators of this standard apply to consent? 5. What are Ginas ethical obligations? 6. What are Ginas options? 7. Self reflection What would be important to reflect on if you were Gina? What are your personal reflections on this case study? What would you do Answer: Answer 1 Consent refers to the condition when an individual voluntary agrees to the desires or proposal of another individual. It functions as permission for a particular event to occur or an agreement to perform a predetermined task. Answer 2 Question of consent is imperative in medical loss. It helps the patients to take voluntary choices for accepting or refusing the proposed treatment or intervention. An LPN should inform all patients about the principles associated with the therapeutic practice that will be delivered, and the possible adverse effects that might arise. It ensures best interests of their patients. Answer 3 The standard 4 that focuses on ethical practice holds true in this case study. This standard promotes the fact that licensed practical nurse is should uphold, understand that promote all ethical standards of nursing profession. The standard also states that nurses should demonstrate honesty and integrity, while respecting and protecting the word diversity and uniqueness of each client. Answer 4 The CLPNBC Practice standard related to consent is relevant in this context. The indicators which stress on the fact that an LPN should respect, recognise and promote rights of their clients, to remain informed about health care services. Indicators that mention that LPNs should be able to meet the ethical and legal obligations, while obtaining consent hold true in this case. Answer 5 Her ethical obligations are related to the fact that she should provide competent safe and ethical care to her client. She is expected to offer best care services, regardless of the circumstances. Answer 6 Her options include: Arranging for an interpreter, probably a close friend or family member, who is proficient in English and will be able to understand the potential of the surgery and explain it to the patient, thereby obtaining his consent. Using the approach of substitute decision making, where a guardian or person appointed in writing by her client, will be able to take voluntary decisions, in relation to the medical treatment. Asking the employer in advance, to exempt her from providing care to the patient, as lack of informed consent is conflicting with her religious and moral beliefs. Answer 7 I would reflect on the fact that failure to take the patient's informed consent before the surgery might lead to legal consequences, if the surgery fails to act appropriately. It is essential to effectively communicate with his family members, to make them understand the implications of the intervention and the need of obtaining consent. Thorough analysis of the case study helps me understand that Gina adheres to the practice and professional standards, required to be followed by an LPN. She is appropriate in her nursing duties and demonstrates responsibility and honesty while caring for the patient. However, the OR is not following the ethical standards of practice and demonstrates a lack of interest in protecting the patients rights. I would consult with the senior hospital authority to bring to their notice the incompetence displayed by the patient, and would seek their opinion on taking the consent from a close relative.